Academic Student Employee (ASE)

General ASE Employment Information

ASE’s are Teaching Assistants (TAs), Teaching Fellows, Associate _Ins, Readers, and Tutors.   Graduate students may be employed during the academic year on a part-time basis (up to, but not exceeding 50% time) as a Teaching Assistant (TA), Associate In_, or Teaching Fellow.  These appointments are awarded by academic programs.

Please be aware, the information below does not yet reflect the provisions outlined in the new UAW Collective Bargaining Agreement. We will be updating this information in the coming months.

  • Working More Than 50% Time

    Graduate students may not be employed more than 50 percent time during the academic year in any combination of appointments. During quarter breaks and in the summer they may be employed full-time. 

  • Number of Hours

    The number of hours that may be worked for any of the three above titles is determined by the percentage appointment. Most students are appointed 50% time (20 hours per week average). For example: 

    • A 25% appointment means the TA is not to be assigned more than an average of 10 hours’ worth of work per week. 
    • Most students are appointed 50% time (20 hours per week average). 
    • A 50% TA may expect to be assigned a workload of more than 20 hours in some weeks of the quarter. That TA may also be assigned fewer than 20 hours for some weeks.   
    • In no instance shall a TA be assigned more than 40 hours in any one week. 
    • The assigned workload of a 50% TA cannot exceed 220 hours for the quarter. 
    • The number of hours worked in excess of 20 hours per week may not total more than 50 hours per quarter. 
    • A TA or other ASE in a teaching title should not spend an inordinate amount of time serving as an instructor at the expense of their own studies. 
  • Length of Service

    The length of service for a Teaching Assistant or Associate In_ is limited to 12 quarters. However, exceptions can be made by the Graduate Dean upon written request by the academic program. No one may serve in a teaching title code for more than 18 quarters of service. 

  • Teaching Assistant Development Program (TADP) & Teaching Evaluations

    The Graduate Division is committed to preparing all TAs who teach at UCR.  Each new TA is required to attend the Teaching Assistant Development Program's Orientation in the Fall Quarter before they teach.   Attendance at only one orientation is necessary.  Another component of the program is to serve TAs who score low on their teaching evaluations.  TADP gives workshops and individual mentoring designed to help TAs improve their TA evaluations.  Any TA scoring a 4.00 or lower must attend workshops to improve their teaching.  If a TA scores low on their teaching evaluations (4.0 or lower) for three quarters they are no longer eligible to TA. 

  • Readers

    The title “Reader” is given to a student employed for his/her ability to render diverse services as a "course assistant," which will normally include the grading of student papers and examinations.  A Reader will not be given the responsibilities customarily accorded to a Teaching Assistant.  Readers will usually be graduate students, but qualified undergraduate students may be so employed, especially when graduate students are not available.  Professional readers, not enrolled as students, may be employed to meet special needs, but only on an hourly basis. 

    Readers should have maintained at least a 3.0 grade point average in their previous academic work, and should have taken and received at least a "B" grade in the course or equivalent in which they are serving. 

    For students who have completed at least one full year of graduate work, the record of the year just past will be substituted for the undergraduate record. The appointing academic program will have the responsibility of ascertaining that these standards are maintained. 

  • Tutors

    A Tutor is an individual who assists students in the understanding of subject matter independent of and supplementary to scheduled class instruction. Tutors may work on a one to one basis or in a group setting. Tutors hired by the Academic Resource Center must be at least undergraduates who hold sophomore status, with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0, and a B+ or higher in the subject to be tutored. Exceptions may be granted at the sole discretion of the Academic Resource Center.  For a position as a tutor in the Academic Resource Center please visit the website, Academic Resource Center

    CHASS FIRST Peer Mentors facilitate the transition from high school to the university. They provide access to campus resources, materials to help students develop best academic practices, materials to help students take responsibility for their education, and one-on-one conversations to facilitate each student’s growth. In order to be eligible to be hired as Peer Mentor, undergraduate students must have a 3.0 or higher in CHFY 020: Theory and Practice of Peer Mentoring and, at all times, maintain an overall 2.5 GPA. 

  • ASE Child Care Reimbursement

    During the academic year each ASE (working 25% time or more) shall receive the amount agreed to in the collective bargaining agreement per quarter for expenses incurred for qualified dependents during the ASE's appointment period. During the summer session, each eligible ASE shall receive the amount agreed to in the collective bargaining agreement for expenses incurred during the ASE’s summer appointment(s). An eligible ASE is a registered student during the academic year terms preceding and succeeding the Summer Session for which the reimbursement is requested, has at least a 25% ASE appointment for the term of the appointment(s), and has (a) qualified dependent(s). Qualified dependents shall include any children in the custody of the ASE who are age 12 or under on July 1.

  • Leave Requests

    Please find more information regarding leave requests on the UCR Academic Personnel Website: