Graduate Advisor Resources
Graduate Advisor Definition and Expectations
- The Graduate Advisor is the official representative of the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies in matters affecting graduate students of the Advisor's academic unit.
- Graduate Advisors have a shared objective to enroll students of high potential whose interests and abilities are compatible with the graduate program and to guide students to successful completion of the academic program.
- There should be a close working relationship between the Graduate Advisor and the Graduate Division. The VPDGS relies upon the experience and judgment of Graduate Advisors and upon their recommendations in matters requiring the VPDGS' action. The Division staff provides information to the advisor on a continuing basis and responds to requests for special assistance.
- The signature of the Graduate Advisor or approval via R'Grad ordinarily is the only departmental signature recognized as official on the various Graduate Division forms, as well as on applications and petitions presented by graduate students.
- It is the Graduate Advisor who formally approves the student's programs of study, advises them on advancement to candidacy for higher degrees, and considers their petitions.
- Graduate Division expects the Graduate Advisor to be involved with and available to all graduate students in their program.
Campus Resources
Case Manager - The first stop for students struggling, whether they are suffering from medical, psychological, psychiatric, social, financial or academic distress. The case managers work closely with the Counseling Center, Campus Health Center, Housing Services, Student Conduct and Academic Integrity, and the AVC Dean of Students office to connect students to the right resources.
Distressed Students, online training - Take this 30-minute online training simulation designed to help UCR staff and faculty identify the warning signs that a student may be in distress. Other similar resources can be found here.
Ombuds - The UCR Office of the Ombudsperson is an independent and confidential resource for conflict resolution. The Ombudsperson serves the entire campus community - students, staff, faculty, applicants, parents, administrators - by helping to resolve complaints, by providing information and referrals, and by making recommendations for constructive change.
Student Conduct - Social Conduct reporting for all students, including graduate students. Academic Integrity for undergraduates only, graduate students academic integrity issues are processed through the Graduate Division.
Title IX & Care Office - Sexual harassment and sexual violence reporting, prevention, training and support.
Appointment of Graduate Advisors
Graduate Advisors are appointed by Program Chairs/Directors subject to the approval of Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies.
The regular term of appointment is 3 years but this can be renewed by agreement of the Chair/Director and the VPDGS.
Graduate Advisors serve at the discretion of the Chair/Director and of the VPDGS and may be replaced with the agreement of both parties.
In the case of disagreement between the Chair/Director and VPDGS or should the faculty member object, the Dean of the college or school which is the primary home of the program will make the final decision. For inter-collegiate programs the Dean of the college or school of the faculty member’s home department will make the final decision.
- The signature of the Graduate Advisor or approval via R'Grad ordinarily is the only department signature recognized as official on the various Graduate Division forms, applications and petitions.
- It is the Graduate Advisor who formally approves the student's programs of study, advises them on advancement to candidacy for higher degrees, and considers their petitions.
- Graduate Division expects the Graduate Advisor to be involved with an available to all graduate students in their program.