Petitions and Forms
General Petitions
Scroll to the bottom of this page for information on Graduation Forms, Timetables and Designated Emphasis applications.
For regulations and procedures relating to the following forms, visit Regulations and Procedures for Graduate Academic Affairs Many petitions are now submitted online via R'Grad (click on the R'Grad* icon in your R'Web menu). See the list below for details.
*Please be aware that it may take up to 10 business days for your petition to be reviewed by the Graduate Division once it reaches the Graduate Dean's queue. You may track your petition in R'Grad to see where the petition is in the process by clicking on the Routing Path tab in R'Grad.
290 Petition - Directed Studies Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Directed Study (not research; research = units of 297 or 299). Deadline: first day of instruction.* *Information about this date may be found at https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar |
Add a Major
Current graduate students can request to add a major with the approval of the new program and their current program. Please visit Graduate Admissions. |
Catalog Year Change Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
To be awarded a graduate degree, students must either 1) meet degree requirements of the UCR catalog in effect the year they entered the program; or 2) fulfill degree requirements from one UCR catalog applicable during any of the subsequent years in which the student was enrolled full-time for at least one quarter. Changing the catalog year will update the requirements that display on the degree audit. Before making an official change, students should use the "What-If" function in the audit to determine what impact it will have on degree requirements. DEADLINE - first day of instruction for the quarter the change is needed. |
Change in Degree Objective - PhD to Master's Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Current graduate students may change from PhD to Master's by using this petition. This R'Grad Petition is due by Friday of week 3 of the quarter.* *Information about this date may be found at https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar |
Change in Degree Objective: Master's to PhD | Students who want to change from Master's to PhD must follow the Graduate Admissions instructions. |
Current graduate students can request to change to another major with approval from the new program. Students must apply to the new program by the deadline using the instructions from Graduate Admissions. |
Credit by Exam Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Students who wish to receive credit for a course by formal examination without enrollment in a course. This form is due by the first day of instruction.* $5 fee applies. *Information about this date may be found at https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar |
Double Count Use the Transfer Petition/Double Count via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
BS/MS students only - identifying courses from undergraduate work to count at the graduate level. |
Education Abroad Program Academic Planning Form for Graduate Students |
Advising form for graduate students who wish to pursue Education Abroad Programs. Students must start by consulting with the UCR Study Abroad office. |
Enrollment Adjustment Form Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Students wanting to make changes to enrollment after week 2 of the quarter.* After week 3*, a $4 fee applies. *Information about this date may be found at https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar |
Filing Fee for the Master's Degree Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Master’s students wanting to use Filing Fee status. |
Filing Fee for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
PhD students wanting to use Filing Fee status. Deadlines: Fall: September 1st |
Appeal a grade by submitting form to the Academic Senate |
Half Time Status and Reduced Fees Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Students who cannot attend more than half time due to a full time job or for medical or personal reasons. Deadlines: Fall: September 1st |
In Absentia Registration Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Research or study requires extended stay outside California (for the duration of a quarter). Deadlines: Fall: September 1st |
Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Extending an incomplete grade beyond one quarter. Petition completed via R'Grad |
Increase Unit Limit Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Increase the maximum units for a quarter above the 20 unit limit. |
Take classes at another University of California campus. This petition is due at least four weeks prior to the beginning of the quarter. Questions can be submitted via email to GAA@ucr.edu |
Letter of Completion Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Request a letter stating that you have completed all degree requirements. You may request this letter if you have an immediate need to show proof of degree completion prior to the transcript and diploma being available and if your degree audit in R'Web is showing 100% complete. The Registrar provides several resources for proof of degree completion. Please visit https://registrar.ucr.edu/graduation-guide/diplomas#proof-of-graduation for details. |
Leave of Absence Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Request 1-3 quarters of leave from studies. |
Master’s Degree Add (in PhD field) Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
This petition is used to add a master's degree in the same field as the PhD. If a student wishes to add a master's degree in another field, they must follow the Add a Major procedure.
DEADLINE - First day of instruction of the quarter you wish to receive the master's degree. |
Manuscript Completion (Creative Writing Only) Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Creative Writing and Writing for the Performing Arts students reporting completion of the manuscript. Deadline: last day of the quarter.* *Information about this date may be found at https://registrar.ucr.edu/calendar |
NRST Reduction Extension Request Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Request to extend the 9-quarter reduction after advancement to candidacy to 10 quarters. |
Other (Petition) Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
This petition is used for other requests not addressed by a current petition.
Students who were enrolled in a graduate program for one quarter or more and have withdrawn from the University can apply to re-admit to the same graduate program. Students must apply by the deadline using the instructions from Graduate Admissions. |
Remote Participation (NOT CURRENTLY IN USE) | Request that one member of the oral qualifying exam committee or the thesis/dissertation committee be permitted to participate in the exam remotely. |
S/NC Petition (USE ENROLLMENT ADJUSTMENT) Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Take a course for S/NC credit: this petition is only necessary for courses numbered 100 and above. S/NC must be a cataloged option. Courses numbered 001-099 (lower-division) may be taken for S/NC credit without a petition (if S/NC is a cataloged grading option). |
Substitute Coursework Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Students wanting to substitute one required course for another or one non-course requirement for another. Substitutions must be requested prior to enrollment in the course or completing the non-course requirement. |
Transfer Coursework Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Students wanting to transfer coursework from another university or program to their UCR transcript. |
Waive Course Work Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Waive a degree requirement based on previous academic work. |
Withdrawal from UCR Access via R'Grad which can be found in your R'web menu (http://rweb.ucr.edu) |
Withdraw from the University. |