Pandemic Policy Updates
Graduate Division staff are working a hybrid schedule, but all staff are available by appointment and by email. Please leave voicemail messages when contacting us by phone and use email as a primary mode of communication with our offices. For a list of email contacts and phone numbers, please visit our Staff Directory.
As the impacts of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) change daily, we encourage you to check for updates often. Any additional communications from our offices will be sent to your UCR email for new and current students or your application email address for applicants.
For the latest news and updates about campus operations, visit the Chancellor's web site.
Students employed in student teaching or graduate researcher position should contact their department administrators for information on working remotely for the Fall 2020 quarter. Graduate researchers for whom remote employment is not possible should contact their PI and/or graduate advisor to set up schedules reflective of social distancing practices.
Questions or concerns should be directed to Patrick Napier.
Summary of Changes in Regulations Related to COVID-19
Academic Regulation Updates - Fall 2020 and Winter 2021
Updated Academic Regulations
Below are the bylaw changes that impact graduate students.
If a student drops a course before the end of the eighth full week of instruction in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, no indication will be entered in the permanent transcript. Deans may permit students to withdraw after the eighth week on a case‐by-case basis, in which case a transcript symbol of W, signifying withdrawal, entered in the grade column. (En 5 May 77) (Am 21 Nov 02) (COVID-19 Temp. Modification 31 Mar 2020)(COVID-19 Temp Modification 6 April) (COVID-19 Temp Modification 13 Apr 2020)(COVID-19 Temp Modification 3 June 2020- extended 8 June 2020)(COVID-19 Temp Modification Sept 30 2020)
The final date to petition for conversion from letter grade to S/NC or vice versa will be the end of the eight week of instruction.. (En 5 May 77; Am 25 May 89)(COVID-19 Temp Modification Sept 30 2020)
This bylaw is currently undergoing approvals. Both the current and proposed bylaws are posted below.
GR 1.5.7 (Current)
Courses may be dropped at any time prior to the end of the fifth week of instruction. If the adviser or instructor withholds approval of a petition to drop a course, the student may appeal to the Graduate Dean. In Spring and Summer 2020, a graduate student may drop a course before the end of the grade submission deadline and no indication will be entered on the permanent transcript. (COVID-19 Temp Modification 6 April - extended 8 June 2020) (COVID-19 Temp. Modification En 10 June 2020)
GR1.5.7 (Updated, Pending Final Approval, October 2020)
Courses may be dropped at any time prior to the end of the fifth week of instruction. If the adviser or instructor withholds approval of a petition to drop a course, the student may appeal to the Graduate Dean. In Fall 2020 and Winter 2021, a graduate student may drop a course through the eighth full week of instruction and no indication will be entered on the permanent transcript. (COVID-19 Temp Modification 6 April - extended 8 June 2020) (COVID-19 Temp. Modification En 10 June 2020)
Admissions Deferment Information
Admissions Deferment Instructions
7/21/20 email from Elisa Gutierrez
Hello All,
Attached are INSTRUCTIONS for reviewing and processing the Deferment Request form in Slate. Currently, we have over 100 form submissions with over 50 that still need to be reviewed by programs. For those who emailed deferment approvals before June 10th, I have submitted a request form on the student's behalf and moved it to our queue to process. I have notified all students who submitted a request form that programs will begin reviewing requests this week. A copy of that email is available in each students timeline in Slate. Track all deferment request forms submitted here. You have access to all programs and will need to filter by program after exporting to Excel. Next week, I will share a new query to help you track your department decisions.
If the Graduate Advisor in your program is handling the deferment process, let me know. I will work on granting them access to Slate. Also, contact me if you have any issues completing any of the instructions provided. Graduate programs will only need to complete one decision form and revise financial charts in GradSIS for students with funding. For programs interested in blanket approvals or limiting what quarters a student can request on the form, contact me for assistance.
On a final note, Dean Bowler approved a one-week extension for programs to submit deferment decisions to our office. Programs will need to submit deferment recommendations to the Graduate Admissions in Slate by 5:00 PM, on August 13, 2020. Additional deadline details are noted in the attachment. We ask that you check and process requests in the Slate Reader daily.
If you are interested in a Zoom session to demo processing the Deferment Request form, let me know.
Thank you,
Elisa Gutierrez
Manager, Graduate Admissions
Graduate Division
UOB Room 116
Campus Symptom Tracking
Campus Symptom Tracking
The requirements for graduate students working on campus during remote learning are outlined HERE.
Employment Quarters and Over 50% FTE Exceptions (Current Guidance Available)
Employment Information
The following items are true for the upcoming Fall 2020 quarter:
- The 18 quarter rule for student teaching title codes has been extended to a maximum of 21 quarters. Students who were affected by the campus closure will be able to works as a TA, Teaching Fellow or Associate In_ for an additional 3 quarters if they were already at the 18 term max.
- Departments may appoint students up to 80% FTE without submitting an exception request to Graduate Division. Preferably, students should stay under 75% FTE to avoid adjustments to FICA withholdings or mandatory enrollment to CORE Health Insurance.
Financial Chart FAQs
Financial Chart FAQs - Financial Chart/Packages for International Students
Version: August 6th 2020
The COVID crisis has disrupted student recruitment, especially for international students.
We are not sure if students are going to be able to make it to campus in Fall simply because of travel and visa restrictions let alone continuing concerns about the virus itself.
There remains a great deal of uncertainty about the situation. Most Fall instruction will be on-line rather than in-person. But some will be in-person under a hybrid model. The actual status of in-person instruction will vary by program. Many labs and some studio instruction, for example, will be in person. Students should check with the individual program to make sure of up-to date news.
We want to be clear that we do not have all the answers for all circumstances/students. But below are some answers to some questions.
We will update our advice/answers as we find out more.
Each program and student should decide which approach will make sense for them.
There are limits to how many different revisions we can do for each student. Given so many students it is not feasible to revise and revise again. We would ask that programs have any revisions to packages settled by Thursday August 13th
Can a student defer entry from Fall 2020 to another quarter?
The program can decide to which quarter the student defers.
More specific details on the process to request a deferral is attached below which include a link to the web form.
Note: In any deferral it may be that tuition will increase and this amount will need to be found for periods not covered by the current award. I.e the current award is for AY 20/21. But deferral will push at least one quarter into AY 21/22. There is at present no planned tuition increase for next next year and so this is more a hypothetical than a real possibility. But it may happen
If the student defers until Winter can s/he defer again if this situation continues?
Deferments are allowed for a full year with Fall 2021 being the latest date to defer from Fall 2020
If the student defers e.g. begins in January 2021 and the department treats summer 2021 as a real quarter in which graduate classes are taught can GradDiv pay the students and pay tuition/fees?
If students take classes in summer then their fellowship package could be revised to cover summer fees. An exception would be made to move fellowship stipend to summer 2021.
Can a student take classes on line ? and can they TA on line?
Students can continue to take courses on line.
International students should check with ISS if they intend to TA on line from outside the US.
Our recommendation is that students who wish to work remotely remain in the US.
Can we pay new international students a salary or stipend if they are not in the US?
The rules on salary and stipend are different.
In terms of salary students should check with ISS for their legal ability to work remotely outside the US. We recommend that students working remotely do so from within the US.
UC Path/UCR Accounting have established a way to pay stipends but salary is a much more complex issue.
We can pay stipend and tuition/fees to out of state domestic students
Can programs revise the offer (leaving the total amount alone) do we need the student to sign off ? What about an offer can they move about?
A revision to the originally accepted offer requires the student to agree to the changes.
Programs can change how the funds will be disbursed providing there is no decrease in the overall award. Being unable to attend means that the student cannot technically fulfil their part of the original contract. Therefore, a revision to the original offer can be made. However, it should be made clear to the student that the total amount of the award will not change, just the schedule in which it will be awarded. We will not approve any reduction in the total award amount.
If a phD student takes Fall via extension can GradDIV pay the Extension tuition some way or other?
PhD students will take UCR courses on-line and their tuition will be covered. Extension does take FAU’s for course payment via recharge but GradDiv is not able to use cohort funds to pay Extension.
Do Extension courses count towards normative time?
What about the 8 unit limit on courses being transferred from Extension?
The Senate is considering the request to allow 12 units to be transferred and will have a decision in due course.
What about the 9 quarter/3 year limit on NRT post advancement to candidacy ? Do programs/students still have to pay NRT after that time limit?
The Provost has agreed to a one quarter extension (i.e. to 10 quarters) for students who have entered from Fall 15/16 through Fall 19/20. See
https://graduate.ucr.edu/campus-closure#nonresident_supplemental_tuition_nrst_9qtr_reduction_after_advancement for more details
How do out of state domestic students establish residency if Fall is on line?
Additional information is available here https://graduate.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm1796/files/2020-07/COVID%20Amendment%20Info.pdf
and also the temporary amendment issued in March 2020: https://studentdocs.ucr.edu/registrar/Chancellors-EVCs-re-Temp-Amendments-to-Residency-Policy_3-17-20.pdf
Students have, in effect, two alternatives open to them. They can choose to take classes on line, or they can choose to defer for a period.
Which choice is the best for the student depends on specific circumstances of the student her/himself and the program. Each student should decide which approach will make sense for them.
There are limits to how many different revisions we can do for each student. Given so many students it is not feasible to revise and revise again.
We would ask that programs have any revisions to packages settled by Thursday August 13th
In-Person Instruction Guidance for Graduate Students in Fall 2020
If I am taking a class can the professor insist I come to campus?
No, unless the class is in the category of individual study, consultation, tutorial, or other similar 1:1 unit-bearing activities and the professor has determined that a remote format is not feasible. For classes such as lectures, seminars, labs, studios and others with multiple students enrolled, professors cannot compel students to come to campus. International students for which a certain level of in person instruction is required are encouraged to speak with the UCR Office of International Affairs for additional guidance as to any other requirements applicable to them.
If I am a TA can I be made to teach in-person
In-person teaching is based on the assignment. If the section has been designated as in-person and you accepted the offer of employment, you will be expected to teach on campus. Prior to the start of the term, if your assignment is designated as an in-person section and you have concerns with teaching on campus, reach out to your department, unit, or program. Upon request, they shall make an effort to address the concerns, including exploring additional safety precautions, remote instruction, or an alternative assignment if possible. For specific health-related or disability-related concerns related to you and your ability to come to your workspace, please consult with Disability Management at disabilitymanagement@ucr.edu.
If all alternative options have been exhausted, you are expected to fulfill your job duties, including reporting to campus for in-person instruction as assigned , although of course you have the option to refuse employment.
I am an international student can I TA/GSR remotely from outside the US ?
Our recommendation is that even though you are working remotely that you do so from within the US. This recommendation applies especially strongly to students from China and India.
Students from OFAC countries (Iran, North Korea, Cuba, the Crimea region of the Ukraine, and Syria) cannot work, nor attend lectures or participate in research, from outside the US.
My home circumstances are noisy and crowded and the internet is spotty. Is there a space on campus I can use to hold section?
Possibly. Department chairs have discretion to allow use of departmental office space, provided the use complies with campus policies under covid-19. If you want to use space on campus to hold a remote section, work with your professor to make a request of the department chair.
If I am a GSR can I be made to report to campus in-person?
Being required to report to work in-person will depend on the operational need of the lab and research project(s). If you have concerns with reporting to work in-person, reach out to your supervisor or department. Upon request, they shall make an effort to address the concerns, including exploring the option of remote work (telecommuting).
For concerns with reporting in-person related to lab safety issues, the following process will be used:
A student can point out conditions in the lab they believe are unsafe and notify the department or program chair and college office in order to begin the process of assessing lab safety. If the lab is deemed unsafe the student should not lose the GSRship. If the lab is deemed safe by that process, then the GSR can be asked to attend in person.
For specific health-related or disability-related concerns related to you and your ability to come to your workspace, please consult with Disability Management at disabilitymanagement@ucr.edu.
If all alternative options have been exhausted, you are expected to fulfill your job duties, including reporting for in-person work as assigned.
International Students
International Students
Please visit the International Affairs COVID-19 Update page for current information.
International Student Updates from ISS
Email sent to International Students 8/4/2020
Dear New Students,
Thank you for your patience as the University works through the guidance for international students for the fall quarter. It has been stressful and difficult for all of us to wait for specific instructions. We want to do as much as we can on the front end to try to make the process easier for you in the long run.
Please read this email carefully for updates and instructions.
On July 24th, ICE published updated guidance to clarify the visa options for new international students. The guidance states that new international students will likely not be granted an F-1 visa to enter the US and start a program that is 100% online.
Here is what we know right now:
1. UCR is officially offering a hybrid option for the fall.
Please note: If the health and safety conditions change, UCR may be required to switch to a fully online format if the county and state health officials deem it necessary.2. Individual departments, programs, and the colleges/schools are working to identify in-person & hybrid course options for students who are required to enroll in such courses. More detailed information will be shared in the days and weeks ahead as academic departments and faculty members confirm their availability.
Below is a list of action steps that address some of the most common situations that international students have asked about.
For new students currently in the United States who have a transfer pending or change of level I-20 form and had an active continued attendance I-20 as of March, 9, 2020.
- You may continue your studies in the United States fully online and keep your F-1 status active.
For new or initial students (outside of the U.S. now and need/have an initial I-20 or transfer pending I-20 to enter the U.S.).
- Decide if you want to enter the U.S. for fall coursework.
- If you decide to enter the U.S. for fall coursework, you will need to register for a hybrid course (a course that has an in-person component). More details coming soon about that.
- If you decide to stay outside of the U.S., you can elect take courses remotely from abroad for the fall. However, your I-20 record will not be made active for the fall quarter.
- Pay attention to your email. Important information will be coming from your academic department or the undergraduate admissions office. They will ask you to confirm your plans for fall and let you know what hybrid options they offer.
- Once we receive the student list from your department, we will work on updating your I-20 with remarks to show that you have a hybrid option. Once updated, we will send you an electronic I-20. We will process these as quickly as possible.
I-20 Updates & Deferral to Winter 2021
For “initial attendance” and “transfer-pending” I-20 students who do not want to come to the U.S. for the fall quarter or cannot get a visa in time to come for the fall, please see your options below.
- You plan to defer your admission to Winter 2021 (NOT take online classes for Fall 2020) and need a Winter 2021 I-20. First, please defer your admission through the Admissions office.
- Graduate Students must defer their admission by August 13th by submitting this form: https://connect.ucr.edu/register/deferment_request . Once the deferral is approved by your department and the Admissions office, they will notify our office to update your I-20. The estimated processing time for this should be no more than 2-3 weeks.
- Undergraduate Students The deadline for deferral has passed. Please email internationalinfo@ucr.edu to inquire about your options.
- You plan to take your Fall 2020 courses online from home, but need an updated I-20 to enter the U.S for the Winter quarter 202.
- Please email Jessica Forrest at Jessica.forrest@ucr.edu to request the Winter I-20 and say “I will take Fall quarter classes from home outside of the US. Please update my I-20 for Winter quarter.”
Visa Applications & Appointments
F-1 student visas can be issued no earlier than 120 days before the program start date. For the Winter 2021 quarter, this would mean no earlier than September 2020. If you have an “initial attendance” I-20, your SEVIS number will not change, so you may use that number to schedule your visa appointment in advance. If you have an upcoming visa appointment within the next 2 weeks, please email Jessica.forrest@ucr.edu to let us know the date of your interview so we can make sure you will have the updated I-20 in time.
Transfer Pending I-20s Outside of U.S.
If you have a “transfer pending I-20” and decide to remain outside of the United States for the fall quarter, we will not be able activate your F-1 status. Before returning to campus for the winter quarter, you will need to contact us so that we can request an update on your record through SEVIS and issue you a new I-20 before you come to the United States.
Electronic I-20s
SEVP has continued to allow the use of electronic I-20s. They have been recommended for use for visa appointments and for entry to the US. We will be issuing electronic I-20s ONLY for winter 2021 updates. You will need to print the electronic I-20 and sign it to use it. If you would still like a physical I-20 copy, you will need to request mailing of the document and pay for the shipping. Mailing instructions will be sent with the updated I-20 confirmation email.
Entering the U.S.
The earliest you can enter the U.S as a new “initial attendance” student is 30 days before the start of your program. The earliest date of arrival is listed on your I-20. When you receive your new I-20 for Winter quarter, the program dates will be updated for Winter 2021. Please note the new earliest arrival date and make sure to schedule your flight accordingly.
Pre-Arrival Webinar & Orientation
If you will be taking courses for Fall 2020 (inside or outside of the U.S) please attend International Student Orientation from Sept 21st -25th. More details about orientation and the registration link will come in a separate email.
If you defer your Admissions to Winter 2021, then you do not need to participate in Orientation until Winter term.
**We will also be hosting a Pre-Arrival webinar in the upcoming days. More details coming shortly.
CPT/OPT Eligibility
Based on current guidance, you must be an enrolled student with an Active SEVIS record for your term to count towards CPT/OPT eligibility. This means that if you are a new student and you will not come to the U.S. for Fall quarter, then your Fall quarter enrollment would not count for CPT/OPT eligibility since we cannot activate your SEVIS record. If that is the case, you would not be eligible for CPT or OPT during Summer 2021.
Other Questions or Concerns
For other I-20 related questions or concerns, please contact Jessica.Forrest@ucr.edu. We also recommend that you check out our new website for more detailed information about your arrival to UCR: https://international.ucr.edu/students/pre-departure
International Student and Employment or Fellowship
For information about International Students and the impacts on their fellowship and/or employment, visit the employment and financial chart FAQs section of this website.
Presidential Proclamation on Immigration - June 2020
A recent Presidential Proclamation relating to international students has introduced uncertainty and it is unclear how many students will be impacted. Here is the proclamation itself in addition to system wide analysis and FAQs related to it.
Changes in government policy may continue, necessitating adaptation from our students, faculty and administration. Steps taken in response to these changing policies are determined by where the student is within their program and the specific degree requirements of that program. Students who are at an earlier stage and are forced to leave the country will likely face more challenges than ones further along. There is no “one size fits all” response to these challenges.
With that uncertainty in mind, the Graduate Division recommends taking the following steps:
1. The advisor and the impacted student should meet to identify and discuss progress to degree. The advisor should also consult with the department Graduate Advisor and Graduate Program Coordinator about possible courses of action.
2. Determine if the student qualifies for any current available options, such as:
· Complete master’s degree requirements and graduate
· In Absentia – conducting research outside of California
· Leave of Absence – taking a break from degree progress for a personal reasons
· Filing Fee – final stages of editing the dissertation/thesis or completing a master’s capstone when no enrollment is necessary
· Withdrawal or RD status – separating from UCR in order to return later
If the student’s situation does not meet the criteria for one of these options, please consult with Kara Oswood, about possible courses of action or exception requests.
3. Employment & Fellowships – students must be enrolled in 12 units for these financial benefits. If courses continue to be offered online and employment is occurring remotely, then students may continue that way 4. Visa status – speak to International Students and Scholars or Undocumented Student Services regarding visa and other status questions.
Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition (NRST) 9-Qtr Reduction After Advancement
Non-Resident Supplemental Tuition (NRST) Reduction Extension Requests
After advancement to candidacy, non-resident PhD students automatically receive a 9-quarter 100% reduction of the NRST fee. Quarters spent remote learning count towards the 9-quarter limit.
The Graduate Division has received approval from campus administration to allow graduate students up to 12 quarters of reduced NRST after advancement to candidacy. In order to verify and track requests, we've developed this procedure for students to apply.
1. Students requesting the reduction must fall into one of two categories:
- Have entered the PHD program in cohorts between Fall 2014 and Fall 2019 for programs with a 6 year normative time* OR
- Have entered the PhD program in cohorts between Fall 2015 and Fall 2019 for programs with a 5 year normative time*.
*normative time for a program can be found in the General Catalog
2. Students must be at least in their 9th quarter after advancement to candidacy to request the initial extension for the 10th quarter.
- The request is initiated via R'Grad. The petition will then route for review.
- All requests will be reviewed to confirm they meet the criteria outlined above by the Director of Academic Affairs.
- If the request is eligible for the reduction, student fees will be adjusted to eliminate the NRST for the requested quarter.
- Extensions will only be permitted one quarter at a time, meaning they can only be requested in the quarter prior to the quarter the reduction is needed. Students must request the extension each quarter it is needed. Multiple quarters of reduction will not be permitted in one request.
- Deadlines - the deadline to apply for the reduction in the next quarter is:
- Fall - September 1st
- Winter - December 1st
- Spring - March 1st
Normative Time
Normative Time
Normative time has not been paused while the campus is remote learning. If a student needs and extension to normative time, Graduate Division will be flexible and lenient. Delays caused by the COVID-19 campus disruption will be taken into account when evaluating normative time. We understand this is a topic of concern to many graduate students and will continue to evaluate how to best manage students that are forced to stay longer in the program because of current challenges.
The reasons for not making adjustments to normative time are:
- A one quarter, or even one year, grace period may not be effective for some students who have had their research interrupted.
- Extending normative time will not have an impact on available funds. If a student stays longer in the program, it doesn't follow that funds or employment will be available to cover that extra time. Students should discuss any timeline changes or funding issues with their advisor first.
- Normative time is a guideline that impacts students in certain situations, such as employment eligibility, DYP and GRMP awards and timetables. As mentioned above, Graduate Division will exercise leniency when evaluating students dealing with these issues.
- With many changes happening often and quickly we're working to keep communications simple and direct. Normative time remaining intact helps prevent additional confusion because there is no one way to communicate a pause of normative time to campus.
Petitions for Current Students
Petitions for Current Students
The majority of our petitions are split between two systems, R’Grad and DocuSign. We understand that this is not ideal and may be confusing for some. This configuration will remain until we are able to access additional IT resources.
Most of you should be familiar with the R’Grad petition system. The system can be accessed as an authorized app via R’Web or R’Space. If you are asked to approve a petition, you will receive an email directing you to the system. The following 12 petitions and handled via R’Grad:
- Application for Candidacy for Master’s Degree
- Directed Studies (290)
- Filing Fee for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
- Filing Fee for the Master’s Degree
- In Absentia Registration
- Leave of Absence
- Nomination for Oral Qualifying Exam Committee
- Substitute Course Work
- Timetable to Completion
- Timetable to PHD Oral Qualifying Exam
- Transfer Course Work
- Withdrawal from UCR
Before shifting to remote work, we still had several petitions that were submitted on paper and required original signatures. Those petitions have been shifted to DocuSign. Links to each form can be found on our Petitions and Forms page - https://graduate.ucr.edu/petitions-and-forms
- Backdating
- Committee Change – Dissertation/Thesis
- Double Count (BS/MS)
- Enrollment Adjustment (under construction)
- Half-Time Status
- Incomplete Extension
- Increase Unit Limit
- Late Enrollment Adjustment (under construction)
- S/NC Petition
- Waive Course Work
Remote Participation - Orals, Final Defense and Dissertation/Thesis Approval
Remote Participation - Oral Qualifying Exam Results, Final Defense Results, Dissertation/Thesis Approval
Effective Immediately through Spring 2023
- The procedure to nominate the Oral Qualifying Exam committee has not changed. Nominations must be submitted by the student and approved via R'Grad at least 2 weeks prior to the exam date.
- When conducting the Oral Qualifying Exam remotely, committees may use Zoom or other video conference options.
- If permitted by campus safety regulations, the Committee Chairperson may provide space or technical support on campus for the student to complete their exam. Information about returning to campus can be found HERE.
- Immediately after the exam, the student or Committee Chairperson must initiate the Results of Oral Qualifying Exam Results via R'Grad.
- The completed form must be received by Graduate Academic Affairs within 48 hours after the exam.
FINAL DEFENSE (Master's and PhD)
- When conducting the Final Defense remotely, committees may use Zoom or other video conference options.
- If permitted by campus safety regulations, the Committee Chairperson may provide space or technical support on campus for the student to complete their Final Defense. Information about returning to campus can be found HERE.
- Final Defense presentations, even when happening online, are "open to the academic community and the general public."
- Immediately after the defense, the student or Committee Chairperson must initiate the Final Defense Approval Form via R'Grad.
- The completed form must be received by Graduate Academic Affairs prior to the graduation deadline for the quarter.
- Graduation deadlines can be found HERE.
SIGNATURE APPROVAL PAGE (PHD Dissertation or Master's Thesis)
- Once the final version of the dissertation or thesis is approved by the committee, the student or Committee Chairperson must initiate the Signature Approval Page for Dissertation/Thesis via R'Grad.
- The completed form must be received by Graduate Academic Affairs prior to the graduation deadline for the quarter.
- Graduation deadlines can be found HERE.
Residency (Current Information Available)
Residency Information
Temporary amendments to the UC Residency Policy have been rescinded for Fall 2021. Information about California residency for tuition purposes and the regulations surrounding it can be found at the following link.
Questions from students and departments should be directed to reshelp@ucr.edu
Stipend for new Intl Students NOT in U.S. for Fall 2020
Stipend Disbursement for New International Graduate Students (cohort 20/21) who will NOT be in the U.S. for Fall 2020
Email sent 8/27/2020 by Andrea Gonzales
Dear Programs,
Please read the following regarding the processing of fellowship stipend disbursement for New International Graduate Students (cohort 20/21) who will NOT be in the U.S. for Fall 2020. We apologize for the delay in getting this information to you but this is a brand new process to campus that will only be in effect while instruction is being held remotely. Because of this there were many moving parts that went into getting a process put into place.
These payments will go out via Western Union. Once Student Business Services has the list of students that Graduate Division will be providing them on 9/1/2020, they will be sending out an email to the students with important information about signing up for Western Union with their home country banking information. After this initial email goes out and the students sign up with Western Union, Western Union will then be notifying with any next steps. Fall 2020 disbursements will begin October 1, 2020. Western Union will send an email notification once payment has been made
Please carefully review the following as there are important deadlines and information that programs and students must adhere to in order for refunds to be disbursed to this population of students:
- 9/1/2020: Graduate Division MUST have the list of new students receiving stipends sent over to Student Business Services by 9/1/2020. This is a one-time list and no additional stipends can be added for Fall 2020 after 9/1/2020. If you are planning on adding additional department stipends to one of these students’ charts, you must do this BEFORE 9/1/2020 and notify either myself or Maria Pimentel if you are doing so.
- 9/15/2020: This population of students need to have their awards processed to Banner and they must be enrolled by 9/15/2020. Please make sure you check GradESS to make sure you’ve pushed their files to Graduate Division AND we have processed them to Banner. You will be able to view this on the History tab. It will say approved by either myself or Maria Pimentel if it has been processed to Banner. If this has not been done, push the file immediately and notify us it’s in our queue. Please also ensure that they are enrolled. Awards will NOT disburse without enrollment and their Western Union payments will NOT get processed.
- If program coordinators have told me that any of your students WILL be in the U.S. for Fall 2020 and you are not 100% sure of this, please let me know immediately. If the student is not on this list by 9/1/2020 for Student Business Services, and it turns out they will not be in the United States after all, they won’t be able to receive their stipend for Fall 2020 via this process.
IMPORTANT: The above only applies to NEW International Graduate Students (cohort 20/21) who will NOT be in the U.S. for Fall 2020. For continuing students and new students who WILL be in the U.S., refunds will be processed as normal.
Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you all for your patience!
Thank you,
Transfer Units from University Extension
Transfer Units from University Extension
GR5.4 Transfer from UCR Extension - Students may transfer up to 8-units of UCR Extension concurrent enrollment credit. Up to 12 units are permitted to be transferred if taken prior to Fall 2021.
Students must have taken these units before their enrollment as a graduate student. Matriculated graduate students (including students on Leave of Absence) may not enroll in course work through UCR Extension without the Graduate Dean’s approval. Graduate students who withdraw before completing their program objectives may then take courses through UCR Extension, but are required to wait one year before applying those courses to their degrees. Grades from UCR Extension will be recorded on UCR transcripts. If a student transfers 8-units from UCR Extension, they are eligible to transfer an additional 8-units from an outside institution.
Graduate Admissions - FAQs
Are programs still accepting applications?
We encourage applicants to reach out to the individual graduate programs to check prior to submitting your online application for the term selected. It is free to start and save your application. The application fee is non-refundable once submitted.
Do I need to submit official hard copies of transcripts and degree certificates for the graduate program to review my application?
No. We highly encourage applicants to provide unofficial copies of transcripts and degree certificates, if degree is awarded and not posted on transcript. Scans can be uploaded to the Additional Info section of our Statement of Purpose and Personal History section of our online application.
What type of unofficial transcripts do you accept?
We will accept scanned copies of open official transcripts in your possession or copies of unofficial transcripts accessed from your online student portal. As we require certain information on these documents, please review our Unofficial Academic Records handout for guidelines on required information.
What if I can’t meet the required application requirements?
If you can’t provide the required application requirements, please contact the graduate program you are interested in to see what accommodations can be made. Programs may be able to provide flexibility on exam requirements (GRE, GMAT, TOEFL, IELTS). For applicants who have challenges in obtaining transcripts or proof of degrees (already awarded), we recommend you review the previous question regarding providing unofficial transcripts. If you still can’t provide unofficial copies, please contact the graduate program and they will work with our office to see if an accommodation can be made.
I haven’t received a decision on my application, who do I contact?
You will need to contact the graduate program you applied to. If the program has forwarded a decision, our office will process it and you will be notified by email of that decision.
Can my deadline be extended to give me more time to decide?
You will need to check with the graduate program you were admitted to. If the program approves, they will notify our office and we will extend the deadline to the approved date. A confirmation email of the new deadline will be sent by our online application system.
My deadline has passed, can I still request a deadline extension?
Yes, but the graduate program that admitted you will need to approve the extension. The above question has further instructions on next steps.
Can I defer my admission to another quarter?
It is an option for admitted students that requires approval from your graduate program. The deferment request form will open June 1, 2021 at 8:00 AM (PST). The deadline to submit a deferment request for those admitted to Fall 2021 is 11:59 PM (PST) on August 9, 2021. If your graduate program has not already reached out to you about the possibility of deferring admission, we encourage you to reach out before submitting a request form.
If my program approves my deferment request, what happens next?
They will notify the Graduate Admissions office and we will begin the process of moving your application to the new quarter. If you require an I-20 form to attend, we will notify our International Students and Scholars office to defer your I-20 to that new quarter as well.
Is your office still receiving mail?
Mail Services is still receiving mail for the campus. Our office is picking up mail and processing it weekly. Visit our Transcripts for Admitted Students page for more details on acceptable delivery methods. DO NOT send transcripts if you are applying for admission.
Documents sent directly to the graduate program will not be processed until our office receives the official hard copy.
Do you accept electronic transcripts?
Yes. Our office is working remotely, so we encourage all new students who attended institutions that offer electronic transcripts to provide them through this method. All electronic transcripts sent to clear registration holds on your student account should be sent directly to the Graduate Admissions office. Visit our Transcripts for Admitted Students page for more details on acceptable delivery methods. DO NOT send transcripts if you are applying for admission.
Our office will process these an update your registration hold. If all required documents are received, an email confirming your file is complete will be sent. Inquiries on documents received should be sent to grdadmis@ucr.edu.
What if I can’t get transcripts since my institutions are currently closed?
If your institution is closed and does not offer the ability to request official hard copy transcripts or electronic transcripts online, contact the Graduate Admissions office.
What if my final Admission Letter requests official documents that I already provided?
Contact our office and hold off on sending new documents until our office can confirm what we have received or the graduate program can provide us with what they received in your application materials.
Is there a deadline to submit my Grad I-20 form which includes uploading proof of support?
There is not a set deadline, but we do encourage you to submit to allow enough time for your I-20 to be prepared and allow yourself enough time for visa processing. USCIS recommends a minimum of 3-months for visa processing.
How will my I-20 form be sent to me?
Currently, the International Students and Scholars (ISS) is sending I-20 forms electronically to students.
How can I get in touch with the International Students and Scholars Office if I have I-20 questions?
The International Students and Scholars Office is closed due to the campus closure. If you have questions, we encourage you to reach out to Jessi Forrest.